Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Insulting Autsim Commercial That Ends Hopefully?
Video Starts By Vilifying Autism The video here claims to be the work of #AutismSpeaks, a controversial organization that advocates in the autism realm. The entire first half of the vignette depicts autism as taking delight in ruining lives. For instance, it says “I will make sure your marriage fails,” and “I will bankrupt you…
Some Reasons Not To Change An Autistic Person
From a concerned mother: RT @mamabegood (Brenda Rothman) “The response to autism has usually been to work on changing the child. If they are highly reactive to noise, we think we need to get them used to it. If they are playing alone and not with others, we think we need to teach them to play with…
Should Religious Conscience Justify Discrimination Against Gays?
Discrimination. It is supposed to be outlawed by the government and constitution. So should we allow exceptions if your religious beliefs conflict with legal reality? According to the Christian Post, “The #ACLU is busy chipping away at religious freedom in our country again. They have successfully brought suit in the Denver area to force a…
Are People With Autism An Endangered Species?
Are People With Autism Endangered? The Autism Right To Life Debate – it’s raging now that “cures” and embryo therapy are being developed in earnest. There will come a time in the not too distant future when we’ll have the medical technology to “fix” embryos with genetic markers for Autism Spectrum Condition. What implications does…
Brief Review of Superb Novel The Kite Runner
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini My rating: 5 of 5 stars A beautifully written, evocative novel of growing up in a society riven by war, betrayals and efforts toward redemption. Afghanistan in the mid 1970’s serves as the early backdrop as two young friends, star-crossed by class yet inseparable, fly their kites with an…
Book Review: “The Hypnotist” by Sarah Sheard
The Hypnotist is the first book I read by Toronto psychotherapist and author Sarah Sheard. It was back in 2001, at a time when I was contemplating becoming a novelist who, like Sheard, would draw upon their professional experience to inform a book’s plot and themes. I ended up focusing on my nonficton writing instead, until recently. A Novel…
captain black sigara
Captain Black Sigara: Aroma ve Premium Tütün Deneyimi Tütün dünyasında, aromalı ve kaliteli tütün karışımları ile öne çıkan markalar her zaman dikkat çekmiştir. Captain Black Sigara, hem geleneksel tütün severler hem de aromatik sigara tercih edenler için özel bir yere sahiptir. Özellikle vanilya, kakao ve baharat notalarıyla öne çıkan Captain Black, puro ve sigara karışımı…
captain black sigara
Captain Black Sigara: Aroma ve Premium Tütün Deneyimi Tütün dünyasında, aromalı ve kaliteli tütün karışımları ile öne çıkan markalar her zaman dikkat çekmiştir. Captain Black Sigara, hem geleneksel tütün severler hem de aromatik sigara tercih edenler için özel bir yere sahiptir. Özellikle vanilya, kakao ve baharat notalarıyla öne çıkan Captain Black, puro ve sigara karışımı…
520 kalpli sigara
520 Kalpli Sigara: Tasarımı ve Tüketici Tercihleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme Tütün ürünleri, yıllar içinde hem tasarım hem de pazarlama açısından birçok değişime uğramıştır. Geleneksel sigara markalarının yanı sıra, farklı estetik ve kullanım özellikleriyle öne çıkan ürünler de piyasada yerini almıştır. 520 Kalpli Sigara, bu alanda dikkat çeken özel tasarımlardan biri olup, özellikle ambalajı ve sigara…
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