Category: General

  • Is Cli-Fi A New Genre?

    Is Cli-Fi A New Genre?

    Climate Fiction. I first heard of it just today, though apparently it’s been around since concerns over climate change first emerged. That’s decades ago. Remember Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring? Back in 1962 she sounded the alarm over our planet’s altered ecosystem. She was labelled an alarmist by many. However today she’s regarded as a prophet…

  • My Intent Is To Genrefy My Writing

    One of the differentiating elements of my debut novel is the notion of genrefying it. As an author who has begun to write my first novel, and as an appreciator of the need to market oneself uniquely and in a targeted manner – especially when self-publishing, as I plan to (certainly initially) – I will…

  • Insulting Autsim Commercial That Ends Hopefully?

    Video Starts By Vilifying Autism The video here claims to be the work of #AutismSpeaks, a controversial organization that advocates in the autism realm. The entire first half of the vignette depicts autism as taking delight in ruining lives. For instance, it says “I will make sure your marriage fails,” and “I will bankrupt you…

  • Some Reasons Not To Change An Autistic Person

    Some Reasons Not To Change An Autistic Person

    From a concerned mother: RT @mamabegood (Brenda Rothman) “The response to autism has usually been to work on changing the child. If they are highly reactive to noise, we think we need to get them used to it. If they are playing alone and not with others, we think we need to teach them to play with…

  • Broke 1,000 Twitter Followers

    Broke 1,000 Twitter Followers

    Hit some important (though not earth shattering) social media landmarks yesterday. As of this morning: FB Friends 885, Page Likes 305. Yesterday morning I broke 1,000 Twitter Followers. But of those, at least 70 were garbage. So I used and to prune them, forcing “unfollows” of the junk Followers. I Followed another hundred…

  • Try and fail, but don’t fail to try

    Try and fail, but don’t fail to try

    Try and fail, but don’t fail to try